Welcome to BitEx’s documentation!

BitEx is a FOSS library for accessing Crypto-exchange APIs in a convenient way.

It extends requests and implements a standardized set of methods to interact with exchanges, covering the most commonly used functionality:

  • Acquiring the order book.

  • Acquiring the latest ticker.

  • Acquiring trades.

  • Placing new orders.

  • Cancelling orders.

  • Acquiring an order’s status.

  • Fetching a wallet’s value.

  • Fetching a wallet’s deposit address.

  • Withdrawing coins from the wallet.

Additionally, it provides the option to request endpoints which are not one of the above using a shorthand.


The implementation of additional methods and their naming is dependent on the plugin and its author for the exchange you’re accessing.

Diving right in

A minimal, working example:

>>>from bitex import BitexSession, BitexAuth
>>>auth_obj = BitexAuth(key, secret)
>>>session = BitexSession(auth=auth_obj)
>>>session.ticker("exchange_name", "BTCUSD")
<BitexResponse [200 OK]>

If you’d like to access a private endpoint of an API, you’ll likely need a custom BitexAuth class, extending its BitexAuth.__call__() method:

class BitexAuthSubClass(BitexAuth):
    def __init__(key, secret):
        super(BitexSessionSubclass, self).__init__(auth)

    def __call__(request):
        request.headers = {'SUPER-SECRET': (self.secret_as_bytes + self.key_as_bytes).encode()}
        return request

>>>auth_obj = BitexAuthSubClass(key, secret)
>>>session = BitexSession(auth=auth_obj)
>>>order_options={'price': 100000, 'size': 10, 'type': 'market'}
>>>session.new_order('exchange_name', "BTCUSD", params=order_options)
<BitexResponse [200 OK]>

In the example above, we used bitex’s set of standardized methods for accessing the change. However, you may also request data using the bitex short-hand notation.

Making your life easier: the BitEx URL Short-Hand Notation

The short-hand notation unifies urls and aims to make using and writing plugins easier.

The short-hand looks like this:


exchange refers to the exchange you want to request data from. instrument is either a single currency or a currency pair. endpoint describes the kind of endpoint you’d like to use:

  • trades

  • book

  • ticker

  • wallet

  • order

The latter two endpoint types support actions, which are listed below:

  • wallet actions :

    • deposit

    • withdraw

    Additionally, a amount parameter is always present on the withdraw action.

  • order actions:

    • new

    • status

    • cancel

The previous examples would look as follows, if they used the shorthand instead:

>>>auth_obj = BitexAuthSubClass(key, secret)
>>>session = BitexSession(auth=auth_obj)
<BitexResponse [200 OK]>
>>>order_options={'price': 100000, 'size': 10, 'type': 'market'}
>>>session.post("SomeExchange:BTCUSD/order/new", params=order_options)
<BitexResponse [200 OK]>

As long as a plugin for SomeExchange is installed, bitex-framework will convert the short-hand to a fully-qualified URL under the hood.

class bitex.BitexHTTPAdapter(pool_connections=10, pool_maxsize=10, max_retries=0, pool_block=False)[source]

Custom HTTP Adapter for Bitex.

It replaces requests.Response as the default response class when building the response, with either an adequate plugin-supplied class or bitex-framework ‘s own default BitexResponse class.

build_response(req: bitex.request.BitexPreparedRequest, resp: urllib3.response.HTTPResponse)bitex.response.BitexResponse[source]

Build a BitexResponse from the given req and resp.

The method is largely identical to HTTPAdapter.build_response(), and only differs in the class type used when constructing a response.

This class is taken firstly from any valid plugin that supplies an adequate class for the exchange that was queried (as stated in BitexPreparedRequest.exchange), or bitex-framework ‘s own default BitexResponse class.

  • req (BitexPreparedRequest) – The BitexPreparedRequest used to generate the response.

  • resp (HTTPResponse) – The urllib3 response object.

class bitex.BitexSession(auth: Optional[bitex.auth.BitexAuth] = None)[source]

Custom requests.Session object for keep-alive http connections to API endpoints.

It expects a BitexAuth instance or subclass thereof on instantiation, and assigns it as the default authentication object for any requests made via this class’s instance.

Using one of these methods requires an adequate plugin to be installed for exchange. If no such plugin is present, an bitex.exceptions.MissingPlugin exception is raised by bitex.request.BitexPreparedRequest.

Using the bitex short-hand is not mandatory, but supported. You may as well construct the entire url of an endpoint you’d like to reach manually, and bitex-framework will do the right thing.

cancel_order(exchange: str, pair: str, method: str = 'DELETE', **kwargs)bitex.response.BitexResponse[source]

Cancel an order with the given order_id for pair at the given exchange.

  • exchange (str) – The exchange you’d like to request data from.

  • pair (str) – The currency pair to place the order for.

  • order_id – The order id of the order you’d like to cancel.

  • method (str) – The HTTP method to use when placing the order. This defaults to DELETE.

  • kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to requests.Session.request().

Return type


deposit(exchange: str, currency: str, method: str = 'GET', **kwargs)bitex.response.BitexResponse[source]

Request the deposit address of the given currency’s wallet.

  • exchange (str) – The exchange you’d like to request data from.

  • currency (str) – The currency to withdraw.

  • method (str) – The HTTP method to use when requesting the data. This defaults to GET.

  • kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to requests.Session.request().

property key

Return the Auth’s key attribute value.

Return type


new_order(exchange: str, pair: str, method: str = 'POST', **kwargs)bitex.response.BitexResponse[source]

Create a new order for pair at the given exchange.

  • exchange (str) – The exchange you’d like to request data from.

  • pair (str) – The currency pair to place the order for.

  • method (str) – The HTTP method to use when placing the order. This defaults to POST.

  • kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to requests.Session.request().

Return type


order_status(exchange: str, pair: str, method: str = 'GET', **kwargs)bitex.response.BitexResponse[source]

Request the order status for order_id and pair at the given exchange.

  • exchange (str) – The exchange you’d like to request data from.

  • pair (str) – The currency pair to place the order for.

  • method (str) – The HTTP method to use when placing the order. This defaults to GET.

  • kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to requests.Session.request().

Return type


orderbook(exchange: str, pair: str, method: str = 'GET', **kwargs)bitex.response.BitexResponse[source]

Request order book data for the given pair at the given exchange.

  • exchange (str) – The exchange you’d like to request data from.

  • pair (str) – The currency pair to request data for.

  • method (str) – The HTTP method to use when requesting the data. This defaults to GET.

  • kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to requests.Session.request().

prepare_request(request: bitex.request.BitexRequest)bitex.request.BitexPreparedRequest[source]

Prepare a BitexPreparedRequest object for transmission.

This implementation extends requests.Session.prepare_request by making a call to bitex.list_loaded_plugins and checking if we have any plugins that may provide a custom BitexPreparedRequest class.

request(method, url, private=False, params=None, data=None, headers=None, cookies=None, files=None, auth=None, timeout=None, allow_redirects=True, proxies=None, hooks=None, stream=None, verify=None, cert=None, json=None)bitex.response.BitexResponse[source]

Construct a BitexRequest, prepare and send it.

url may either be a URL starting with http/https, or a bitex-framework short-hand url in the format of <exchange>:<instrument>/<data>/<action>.

property secret

Return the Auth’s secret attribute value.

Return type


ticker(exchange: str, pair: str, method: str = 'GET', **kwargs)bitex.response.BitexResponse[source]

Request ticker data for the given pair at the given exchange.

  • exchange (str) – The exchange you’d like to request data from.

  • pair (str) – The currency pair to request data for.

  • method (str) – The HTTP method to use when requesting the data. This defaults to GET.

  • kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to requests.Session.request().

trades(exchange: str, pair: str, method: str = 'GET', **kwargs)bitex.response.BitexResponse[source]

Request trade data for the given pair at the given exchange.

  • exchange (str) – The exchange you’d like to request data from.

  • pair (str) – The currency pair to request data for.

  • method (str) – The HTTP method to use when requesting the data. This defaults to GET.

  • kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to requests.Session.request().

wallet(exchange: str, currency: str, method: str = 'GET', **kwargs)bitex.response.BitexResponse[source]

Request wallet data for the given pair at the given exchange.

  • exchange (str) – The exchange you’d like to request data from.

  • currency (str) – The currency to request data for.

  • method (str) – The HTTP method to use when requesting the data. This defaults to GET.

  • kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to requests.Session.request().

withdraw(exchange: str, currency: str, amount: str, method: str = 'PUT', **kwargs)bitex.response.BitexResponse[source]

Request a withdrawal of the given currency at the given exchange.

  • exchange (str) – The exchange you’d like to request data from.

  • currency (str) – The currency to withdraw.

  • amount (str) – The amount to withdraw.

  • method (str) – The HTTP method to use when requesting the data. This defaults to GET.

  • kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to requests.Session.request().

Indices and tables