Source code for bitex.session

"""A customized version of :class:`requests.Session`, tailored to the :mod:`bitex-framework` library."""
# Built-in
import logging
from typing import Optional

# Third-party
import requests
from requests.compat import cookielib
from requests.cookies import RequestsCookieJar, cookiejar_from_dict, merge_cookies
from requests.sessions import merge_hooks, merge_setting
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from requests.utils import get_netrc_auth

# Home-brew
from bitex.adapter import BitexHTTPAdapter
from bitex.auth import BitexAuth
from bitex.plugins import PLUGINS
from bitex.request import BitexPreparedRequest, BitexRequest
from bitex.response import BitexResponse

# Init Logging Facilities
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BitexSession(requests.Session): """Custom :class:`requests.Session` object for keep-alive http connections to API endpoints. It expects a :class:`.BitexAuth` instance or subclass thereof on instantiation, and assigns it as the default authentication object for any requests made via this class's instance. Using one of these methods requires an adequate plugin to be installed for `exchange`. If no such plugin is present, an :exc:`bitex.exceptions.MissingPlugin` exception is raised by :class:`bitex.request.BitexPreparedRequest`. Using the bitex short-hand is not mandatory, but supported. You may as well construct the entire url of an endpoint you'd like to reach manually, and :mod:`bitex-framework` will do the right thing. """ def __init__(self, auth: Optional[BitexAuth] = None) -> None: super(BitexSession, self).__init__() self.auth = auth self.adapters["http://"] = BitexHTTPAdapter self.adapters["https://"] = BitexHTTPAdapter
[docs] def request( self, method, url, private=False, params=None, data=None, headers=None, cookies=None, files=None, auth=None, timeout=None, allow_redirects=True, proxies=None, hooks=None, stream=None, verify=None, cert=None, json=None, ) -> BitexResponse: """Construct a :class:`BitexRequest`, prepare and send it. `url` may either be a URL starting with http/https, or a :mod:`bitex-framework` short-hand url in the format of `<exchange>:<instrument>/<data>/<action>`. """ # Create the Request. req = BitexRequest( method=method.upper(), url=url, headers=headers, files=files, data=data or {}, json=json, params=params or {}, auth=auth, cookies=cookies, hooks=hooks, private=private, ) prep = self.prepare_request(req) proxies = proxies or {} settings = self.merge_environment_settings(prep.url, proxies, stream, verify, cert) # Send the request. send_kwargs = {"timeout": timeout, "allow_redirects": allow_redirects} send_kwargs.update(settings) resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) return resp
[docs] def prepare_request(self, request: BitexRequest) -> BitexPreparedRequest: """Prepare a :class:`BitexPreparedRequest` object for transmission. This implementation extends :class:`requests.Session.prepare_request` by making a call to :data:`bitex.PLUGINS` and checking if we have any plugins that may provide a custom :class:`BitexPreparedRequest` class. """ cookies = request.cookies or {} # Bootstrap CookieJar. if not isinstance(cookies, cookielib.CookieJar): cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(cookies) # Merge with session cookies session_cookies = merge_cookies(RequestsCookieJar(), self.cookies) merged_cookies = merge_cookies(session_cookies, cookies) # Set environment's basic authentication if not explicitly set. auth = request.auth if self.trust_env and not auth and not self.auth: auth = get_netrc_auth(request.url) # Inject any custom classes for handling the exchange stated in the # BitexRequest object. custom_classes = PLUGINS.get(, None) if custom_classes: p = custom_classes["PreparedRequest"]( # Only use the custom auth class if no auth object was # provided explicitly. Otherwise we would overwrite user-specified # auth objects passed to self.request. if not self.auth and request.private: self.auth = custom_classes["Auth"](self.key, self.secret) else: p = BitexPreparedRequest( p.prepare( method=request.method.upper(), url=request.url, files=request.files,, json=request.json, headers=merge_setting(request.headers, self.headers, dict_class=CaseInsensitiveDict), params=merge_setting(request.params, self.params), auth=merge_setting(auth, self.auth), cookies=merged_cookies, hooks=merge_hooks(request.hooks, self.hooks), ) return p
@property def key(self) -> str: """Return the Auth's key attribute value. :rtype: str """ return self.auth.key @key.setter def key(self, value: str): """Set the Auth's key attribute value. :type value: str """ self.auth.key = value @property def secret(self) -> str: """Return the Auth's secret attribute value. :rtype: str """ return self.auth.secret @secret.setter def secret(self, value: str): """Set the Auth's secret attribute value. :type value: str """ self.auth.secret = value
[docs] def ticker(self, exchange: str, pair: str, method: str = "GET", **kwargs) -> BitexResponse: """Request ticker data for the given `pair` at the given `exchange`. :param str exchange: The exchange you'd like to request data from. :param str pair: The currency pair to request data for. :param str method: The HTTP method to use when requesting the data. This defaults to GET. :param Any kwargs: Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to :meth:`requests.Session.request`. """ return self.request(method, f"{exchange}://{pair}/ticker", **kwargs)
[docs] def orderbook(self, exchange: str, pair: str, method: str = "GET", **kwargs) -> BitexResponse: """Request order book data for the given `pair` at the given `exchange`. :param str exchange: The exchange you'd like to request data from. :param str pair: The currency pair to request data for. :param str method: The HTTP method to use when requesting the data. This defaults to GET. :param Any kwargs: Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to :meth:`requests.Session.request`. """ return self.request(method, f"{exchange}://{pair}/book", **kwargs)
[docs] def trades(self, exchange: str, pair: str, method: str = "GET", **kwargs) -> BitexResponse: """Request trade data for the given `pair` at the given `exchange`. :param str exchange: The exchange you'd like to request data from. :param str pair: The currency pair to request data for. :param str method: The HTTP method to use when requesting the data. This defaults to GET. :param Any kwargs: Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to :meth:`requests.Session.request`. """ return self.request(method, f"{exchange}://{pair}/trades", **kwargs)
[docs] def new_order(self, exchange: str, pair: str, method: str = "POST", **kwargs) -> BitexResponse: """Create a new order for `pair` at the given `exchange`. :param str exchange: The exchange you'd like to request data from. :param str pair: The currency pair to place the order for. :param str method: The HTTP method to use when placing the order. This defaults to POST. :param Any kwargs: Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to :meth:`requests.Session.request`. :rtype: BitexResponse """ return self.request(method, f"{exchange}://{pair}/order/new", **kwargs)
[docs] def cancel_order( self, exchange: str, pair: str, method: str = "DELETE", **kwargs ) -> BitexResponse: """Cancel an order with the given `order_id` for `pair` at the given `exchange`. :param str exchange: The exchange you'd like to request data from. :param str pair: The currency pair to place the order for. :param order_id: The order id of the order you'd like to cancel. :param str method: The HTTP method to use when placing the order. This defaults to DELETE. :param Any kwargs: Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to :meth:`requests.Session.request`. :rtype: BitexResponse """ return self.request(method, f"{exchange}://{pair}/order/cancel", **kwargs)
[docs] def order_status( self, exchange: str, pair: str, method: str = "GET", **kwargs ) -> BitexResponse: """Request the order status for `order_id` and `pair` at the given `exchange`. :param str exchange: The exchange you'd like to request data from. :param str pair: The currency pair to place the order for. :param str method: The HTTP method to use when placing the order. This defaults to GET. :param Any kwargs: Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to :meth:`requests.Session.request`. :rtype: BitexResponse """ return self.request(method, f"{exchange}://{pair}/order/status", **kwargs)
[docs] def wallet(self, exchange: str, currency: str, method: str = "GET", **kwargs) -> BitexResponse: """Request wallet data for the given `pair` at the given `exchange`. :param str exchange: The exchange you'd like to request data from. :param str currency: The currency to request data for. :param str method: The HTTP method to use when requesting the data. This defaults to GET. :param Any kwargs: Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to :meth:`requests.Session.request`. """ return self.request(method, f"{exchange}://{currency}/wallet", **kwargs)
[docs] def withdraw( self, exchange: str, currency: str, amount: str, method: str = "PUT", **kwargs ) -> BitexResponse: """Request a withdrawal of the given `currency` at the given `exchange`. :param str exchange: The exchange you'd like to request data from. :param str currency: The currency to withdraw. :param str amount: The amount to withdraw. :param str method: The HTTP method to use when requesting the data. This defaults to GET. :param Any kwargs: Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to :meth:`requests.Session.request`. """ return self.request( method, f"{exchange}://{currency}/wallet/withdraw?amount={amount}", **kwargs )
[docs] def deposit( self, exchange: str, currency: str, method: str = "GET", **kwargs ) -> BitexResponse: """Request the deposit address of the given `currency`'s wallet. :param str exchange: The exchange you'd like to request data from. :param str currency: The currency to withdraw. :param str method: The HTTP method to use when requesting the data. This defaults to GET. :param Any kwargs: Additional keyword arguments which are passed on to :meth:`requests.Session.request`. """ return self.request(method, f"{exchange}://{currency}/wallet/deposit", **kwargs)